Big Yellow Taxi
I wrote the poem on which the song at the end of this post is based when Notre Dame was actually burning. The song was written in May, 2020. I changed the words in spots. The first line became “my heart” paused because I realize there were people in places like Yemen didn’t care much about a burning cathedral in France. Also, the entire world hasn’t dismissed God, so that line became about France, a very secular country. I also deleted a portion because there’s a mood change in the second last stanza, and balancing the structure required fewer words prior. Posted by request.

The world paused as
Notre Dame burned, mourning
its grandeur, crumbling
like shards of spun glass, forgetting
the toppled spires pointed
towards a God they had
long ago dismissed.
Parisians and tourists stood
in solemn worship of stone
and ancient wood.
“Our Lady,” monument to
white male creativity:
though neither, her
damaged beauty left
me bereft as they.
My cathedral burns like
candle wax, each new
ache and wrinkle a
shortening of the
wick, while my fragrance
wafts then dissipates.
Democracy had no
assumed expiration.
Lit by careless
matches, ancient timbers and lofty
towers fall to ash behind a
facade of stone.
Copyright 2019